athenianprintNov 2Let Animation Be Wild AgainBy Crishelle Christman In September, Dreamworks Animation released what will be their last fully animated in-house film by their Burbank...
athenianprintSep 27What is time?by Amber Gaskin I'm not sure what time is, It is a man-made concept I don't get, When I'm with you one hour is a minute, When we're apart...
Student Writer Mollie BishopNov 15, 2023Local Vendor Enterprising Her Chic Selection to Serve Children in Kenya.Love Kenya Kids by Pauline Githara exhibits uniquely assorted fashion while assisting a Kenyan orphanage. Vibrant clothing & detailed...
Student Writer Marisela LopezNov 8, 2023Spanish Rock-inspired Mexican Bar Grasps LA NightlifeThe dark streets of Los Angeles at night can be daunting. Walking with friends through the unpaved roads, strangers at every corner, and...
Student Writer Laine WentworthOct 30, 2023Crash and Beyond: Repertory Cinema in LAIt’s a quiet, chilly Wednesday night in Santa Monica, and the storefronts on Montana Avenue are dark, save for the glowing marquee of the...
Briana GonzalezAug 28, 2023John Waters: Pope of Trash exhibition to open at the Academy Museum in SeptemberA legend in the realm of queer cinema is being celebrated with the “first comprehensive exhibition” of his work at the Academy Museum in...
Victoria AndrewsAug 28, 2023Doja Cat: On Borrowed TimeAmala Ratna Zandile Dlamini, better known as the wildly popular artist ‘Doja Cat,’ has been under fire for seemingly switching up on her...